WSIS Volunteer Family, Phase 1 Report


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pdf icon Full report of the WSIS Volunteer Family, phase 1

Declarations and Statements

WSIS Action Plan EN (182K)WSIS Action Plan EN (166K)
WSIS Action Plan FR
(89K)  WSIS Action Plan FR (135K)
WSIS Action Plan ES
(174K)WSIS Action Plan ES (136K)

WSIS Declaration EN (161K)WSIS Declaration EN (282K)
WSIS Declaration FR
(72K)  WSIS Declaration FR (137K)
WSIS Declaration ES
(169K)WSIS Declaration ES (137K)

Civil-Society-Declaration EN (137K)
Civil-Society-Declaration FR (170K)
Civil-Society-Declaration ES

Dakar Declaration (English) (78K)
Dakar Declaration (Français) (79K)

Statement Volunteers Paris EN (24K)
Statement Volunteers Paris ES (27K)
Statement Volunteers Paris FR (25K)

Volunteer Action Plan EN Statement of the Volunteer Family EN

Press Articles

Declaration Needs Human Face, Brian Thomson, 11 December 2003

Symposium de Dakar, pour créer des compétences humaines, Zahi Haddad

Volontariat et Société de l'information : "L'Afrique est condamnée si elle ne s'implique pas", 24 octobre 2003, Alain Just Coly, Le Soleil

Société de l'information : "Le volontariat ne doit pas créer une dépendance", selon Viola Krebs, 25 octobre 2003, Alain Just Coly, Le Soleil

Société de l'information : La famille des Volontaires prépare le sommet de Genève
Mercredi 22 octobre 2003, Alain Just Coly, Le Soleil

Construction d'une Société de l'information plus inclusive : Le Sénégal, tête de fil des pays en développement, 24 octobre 2003, Bacary Dabo, Sud Quotidien

Original Presentations and Projects

Abantu, Volunteerism and the Development of Human Capacity in the Information Society
Acevedo, Manuel. Evolution Trends UNV (705K)
Acevedo, Manuel. Volunteering and ICT Mainstreaming (763K)
Aineruhanga, Milton. Voluntarism the WOUGNET Experience (75K)
Aizu, Lizumi (1.3M)
Akpolou, Lawase. IT Volunteers in Africa.ppt (89K)
Akpolou, Lawase. Schoolnet South Africa
Barnetche, Susana. Hacesfalta (2.8M)
Blanco, Sandra (1.7M)
Bloem, Renata. Opening Speech, ISV 2003
Busgopaul Mahendranath Child Safety on Internet (549K)
Carlisle, Anthony. Developing IAVE org
Carlisle, Anthony. Future Developments of Volunteerism (995K)
Carpentier, Pierre. Programme People on Net (2.0M)
Cisse, Habib Mohamed Lamine. Internet Society Mali (982K)
Cobena, Judith. IAVE Barcelona2004
Cobena, Judith. 18 IAVE (243K)
Degennarro, Silvano. Informaticiens Sans Frontières (142K)
De Gennarro, Silvano. Informaticiens Sans Frontières (Français)
De Gennarro, Silvano. Informaticiens Sans Frontières (English)

Deudeville. Cybercafe Vis @ Vis
Diakite, Filifing. Projet info-net (156K)
Diakite, Flifing. Projet info-net (147K)
Dialo, Mamadiou. Africa WSIS (130K)
Diop, Sall. Congad (40K)
Ekeleme, Rose. Training Volunteers in Nigeria
Ellis, Susan. Capacity Building in the Digital Age
Ellis, Susan. Online Power for Volunteer Action
Faye, Makane. Cadres sur les TICS et NEPAD (189K)
Gueye, Fatim. Panafricaine dans les NTIC
Gunyon, Bill. OneWorld
Habib, Amin. Projet (26K)
Habib, Amin. Rapp j (21K)
Habib, Umu. Mis Mopti.doc (56K)
Krebs, Viola. WSIS (394K)
Mercorios, Diana. Creating Opportunities Poor Marginalized Groups
Ministre Communication Senegal
Murray, Luis. Iko Poran (983K)
Niombo, Sylvie. Transfert du savoir-volontariat et Internet
Okwenje, Sheba, Something out of Nothing
Omolo, Dominic Otieno. FAO Development Communication
Schmieder, Randy. Online News (293K)
Seck, Mouhamed Tidiane. Sur les infrastructures (141K)
Segond, Guy Olivier. Speech ISV 2003
Topaz, Elem. Geneva Dec 2003 V5 (562K)
Trahan, Diana. Cyberjeunes en (1.2M)
Trahan, Diana. Cyberjeunes fr (1.6M)
Tzeng, Ovid
UNV MLI 02V02 strategie NTIC (45K)
UNV MLI02V02 Mairie Tombouctou (339K)
UNV Reinventons la proximite (2.6M)
Valot, Henri. UNV Tombouctou (3.6M)
Van Loon, Theo. Volunteerism and Development of Human Capacity
Vermishyan, Arman. Access to Environmental Info Youth
Vermishyan, Arman. Network of Youth Environmental Centers (39K)
Vermishyan, Arman. Network of Youth Environmental Centers (243K)
Wade, Niang. Generation multimedia GM2 (111K)


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