Famille des Volontaires du SMSI
Intro | Contexte | Etudes de cas | Plan d'action | Docs | Recommandations | Partenaires | Liens |
DocumentsConférence CEV | Symposium Dakar | Conférence Genève | Message de Dakar | Documents SMSI | Présentations | Images IT Volunteers in Africa: A myth or a reality?In Africa, we always tend to settle for anything that comes from outside as long as it has some free (as free beer) aspect to it. Below are some questions or issues that need to be addressed if we are to make better use of the opportunities that volunteerism can bring.
Mr Lawase Akpolou |
Intro | Contexte | Etudes de cas | Plan d'action | Docs | Recommandations | Partenaires | Liens |