Famille des Volontaires du SMSI
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DocumentsConférence CEV | Symposium Dakar | Conférence Genève | Message de Dakar | Documents SMSI | Présentations | Images Access To Environmental Information for Youth in Armenia, Existing BarriersNow in many countries they are talking about our World's Environmentally Sustainable Development. We all know about catastrophic situation of environment in many developing countries, including former Soviet Union Republics. And situation is growing bad. In this aspect it is very important to give access to environmental information to public society and to youth in the first place. What kind of barriers our youth have for free access to environmental information? First of all, it's bad technical condition of Armenia's telephony system. As a result, we have inadequate Internet providing service. Moreover, all system is a monopoly of one company and the prices are very high. This directly exerts influence on youth, as they aren't able to pay for Internet service (standard of well-being in Armenia isn't high). Another problem is Armenia's difficult geographic placement. It is mountainous country; as a result we don't have Internet connection in many regions. Second, It is low level of computerization in state institutions. And there is scarcity of information fed into computers or into Internet, i.e. information databases, web sites with online information sources etc. We often have to search big paper folders for appropriate information. Besides, there wasn't done enough environmental investigations during last decade, so we have to activate such activities too. Third, Young specialist-elder specialist relations have weakened. This is a result of absence of professional databases. Also there is a low level of interdisciplinary relations between youth specialists. Fourth, There is a poor collaboration between youth environmentalists in regional and global level. This is also very essential problem, having in view, that great part of environmental problems concern to many countries or, may be, to the entire world. What have we done to solve mentioned problems? First step was done by UNDP, that launched "ICT for Democracy; Support to Information Society and Democratic Governance" project. The development objective of the project is to contribute to the formation and development of information society in Armenia, put the information and communication technologies to the service of consolidation of democracy in the country. In the frames of the project was created the Freenet and now we have access to almost all Armenian web sites from "am" domain. Moreover, we have a free e-mail (for example burg@freenet.am). Freenet is absolutely free of charge. For stimulation of public and information society development, ICT project established Internet forums with full access from Freenet. One of the first forums was "Environment", which was created on the 1st of April, 2001. It took on special significance for establishment sustainable interrelation between youth, NGOs and State Institutions. Forum has 270 members and they can communicate to each other, exchange information, discuss environmental problems, etc. Forum also has information database and network of members, which is one of the most usable networks in Armenia. Second, above I mentioned about poor relations between youth environmental NGOs and groups. Last year three youth organizations, Youth Section of "Association for Sustainable Human Development", Youth Group of "Khazer ecological-cultural" NGO and our organization ""BURG" Youth Environmental Center" NGO organized first youth environmental conference with the name "Youth Participation in Armenia's Environmental Decision-making Process." During this conference, we have decided to coordinate our future activities and created a joint work plan. First project in work plan is organization and implementation of youth eco-tours. As you know, such tours offer an excellent opportunity for gathering and collaboration for youth. It is already two years, that we organize youth eco-tours and now it turns into youth eco-tourist movement in Armenia. Of course we are going to continue our tours and invite more youth from another countries. Fourth, the OSCE Office in Yerevan and The Ministry of Nature Protection of the Republic of Armenia created Public Environmental Information Center with the purpose to promote public access to environmental information. In this way, the Centre will also contribute to the creation of a public climate of transparency in environmental affairs and thus to the general democratisation and good governance of the country. But all above mentioned isn't enough for full access to environmental information for youth. What kind of practical steps can we do together? First, let's create youth environmental centers in all countries. European countries are pretty experienced in youth policy and they have many centers like that. But the situation is different in developing countries. Having in mind their specific difficulties, we can use wide experience of developed countries and create such centers in developing countries. Second, It is necessary to establish network between these centers. It would be nice to have a committee that would implement this project. That committee would centralize the information flow between youth organizations and provide environmental information from their countries. This network would make it possible to be informed about environmental activities in member countries and quickly respond to environmental incidents that have global or regional importance. Third, We have to activate international youth environmental movements and jointed projects. We consider being of high importance various meetings and conferences, and having in mind our rich experience, international youth eco-tours. Thank you for your attention. |
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